Facebook Ads
Cheap Price. Best Quality. This Courses For All indian Who Want to Start Their Own Digital Business.
Note - : अध्याय 19 में, आप फेसबुक विज्ञापनों से होने वाले नुकसान के पीछे के कारणों को जानेंगे, जो कोई भी आपको ₹20000 से ₹30000 की फीस लेने के बाद भी नहीं बताता है|
PRICE INCREASE ₹299 TO 2999₹ BIG OFFERS (OFFERS expire today 11:59pm)
After Completing The Course, You Will Learn Why People Often Face Losses When Running Facebook Ads And How To Turn Those Losses Into Profits.This Is Something than 99% Of People Don't Know, But you'll Learn It In This Course."
Who Is Ashok Kumar ?
* Mechanical Engineer
* facebook Ads Expert
*Rmc Plant Incharge
Channel Name ( Darshan All India) 18K Subscribers
Why Buy our Course?
"How Are Our Course
Better Than Other' Courses?"
W Anyone who does't know how to run Facebook ads at all can become a master of Facebook ads by attempting this course.this can take you from a beginner to pro."
"My course is the cheapest.others are selling the same course for prices ranging from ₹2000 to ₹20000 .
" Digital business is the future trend of india"
"After completing these course,you can earn money by selling your own digital products and working as a freelancer & agency
Learn how to launch promotions that create a sense of urgency regardless of when your leads opt-in!
Markets are saturated these days. Discover how you can make your offer stand out from the crowd!
Friendly support.
Whenever you need it.
Send us an email detailing your query and we'll respond in under 2 hours with in-depth assistance
Have an urgent question? Our Telegram Group available 24/7!
"If your doubts aren't cleared through chat ,video lecture are available on the Telegram group."
"your course has been made very well in simple language,making every topic clear."
thank you
Arpita singh.
After taking these courses, i realized why there a loss of time when running ads.
vikram gupta.
"Before i was very confused about how to sell digital product online and run facebook ads. After taking this course,now i can run good ads."
Rohit kumar.
Your courses is Amazing,worth the money. low price but high value Addition and thank you for creating such a great courses.
Ishita soni.
Try our course for only ₹ 299!
"This is a limited - time offer. After Today, the price will increase from ₹299 to ₹2999 "
BIG OFFERS =₹2999 NO ONLY ₹299
99.7% discount (Offers Expire today 11:59pm
क्यों जरूरी है सीखना Facebook Ads:-
आने वाले 10 साल डिजिटल मार्केटिंग का ट्रेंड्स आने वाला है जिसके कारण सारे ऑफलाइन बिजनेस ऑनलाइन शिफ्ट हो जाएंगे । जिसके कारण अच्छे से फेसबुक एड्स चलाने वाले का डिमांड बड़ने वाला है । ऐसे में आपको facebok Ads चलाने का skills सीखना चाहिए ।
Facebook Ads चलाने आने का फायदा इस समय:
1. खुद का डिजिटल प्रोडक्ट ऑनलाइन सेल कर सकते हो
2. फ्रीलांसर करके पैसे कमा सकते हो
3. दूसरे लोगो के लिए Ads चलाकर पैसे कमा सकते है
4. डिजिटल मार्केटिंग एजेंसी में जॉब पा सकते हो
5. बड़े बड़े कंपनी में मार्केटिंग डिमार्टमेंट में जॉब पा सकते हो
6. आप अपने इलाके में फेसबुक एड्स रन करने का skill सीखकर पैसे कमा सकते हो ।
7. ये कोर्स पूरा करने के बाद आप अच्छे से Facebook Ads चलाना सीख जायेंगे । इसका proof है मेरा चलाया हुआ Ads आपको मिला है । ये कोर्स लेने के बाद आप भी मेरे तरह ads चलाना सीख जायेंगे।
एक जूते के प्राइस से भी कम प्राइस में ये स्किल्स सीखे । जीवन में बहुत काम आएगा ।तो देर किस बात की अभी buy Now
Time खत्म होने पर प्राइस ₹2999 हो जायेगा । 99.7% Offers है अभी ।